The Networking, Ideation & Collaboration Workshop (NIC) took place on April 20 – 22, 2022. All workshop materials have been uploaded facilitate asynchronous participation. Follow the below progression to advance through the NIC, with the goal of participating in the Archival Publication Authors Workshop (APA)

Session I
Session  Materials  Description
Welcome,  Introductions, and Workshop Overview

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE



Duration: 15 minutes

This session welcomes participants to the workshop, introduces ASEE staff and APA-ENG Advisory Committee members, and offers a description of the day’s activities. 
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should join a writing team to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to attend the Archival Publication Authors Workshop (APA). The deadline to submit the LOI is Friday, July 1, 2022.The APA will be held from 1:00 – 5:00 PM ET on the following dates: July 15, July 22, July 29, August 5 and August 12. 
Leveling-Up Entrepreneurial Mindset

Speaker: Doug Melton, Program Director, Kern Family Foundation


Duration: 22 minutes

Session Slides

This session offers an introduction to the concept of Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM).
Bird of a Feather Networking

Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE
APA-ENG Advisory Committee


Duration: 45 minutes

Birds of a Feather Activity Overview

In this session, participants identify similarities and connections in writing ideas and share highlights of their group’s discussion. 


Wrap-up and Closing

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE

N/A This session offers a wrap-up on Session I activities.
Action Item: Identify a preliminary research topic from this list
Session II
Session  Materials  Description
Welcome and Overview

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE



This session offers an overview of Session II of the NIC.
Ideation of Potential Publication Topics

Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE
APA-ENG Advisory Committee


Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes

APA-ENG NIC Ideation Whiteboard

Ideation Activities Google Doc

In this session, participants (1) align themselves with similar publication ideas using Miro, (2) share their publication ideas, and (3) choose breakout rooms from this list to refine/drill down on publication ideas and begin to form potential collaborations.


Wrap-up and Closing

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE

APA-ENG Ideation Activity Tracking Google Sheet This session offers a wrap-up of Session II activities.
Action Item: Indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd manuscript idea choices in the Idea Choices worksheet here 



Session III
Session  Materials  Description
Welcome, Overview, and Next Steps

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE

N/A This session provides additional detail on the components of the APA-ENG program: (1) the Archival Publication Authors Workshop (APA), (2) Mentoring Program (MP), and (3) Mini-Grant Program (MGP).
 Entrepreneurial Mindset: Frameworks, Sources, and… People

Speaker: Doug Melton, Program Director, Kern Family Foundation


Duration: 41 minutes

Session Slides

This session provides further discussion on Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM).
Mentor Panel Discussion

Dr. Karen High, Professor, Engineering & Science Education, Clemson University 
Dr. Walter Lee, Associate Professor, Engineering Education, Virginia Tech 
Dr. John Park, Assistant Research Professor, Pennsylvania State University


Duration: 35 minutes

In this panel session, APA-ENG mentors discuss the value of mentorship and their insights from their experiences as novice publishers.
Practical Tools for Successful SOTL Collaborations

Speaker: Julie Martin, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering


Duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes

Session Slides

This session discusses the need for SOTL collaborators to understand and work with the strengths of each team member and establish clear communication. The session explores the use of practical tools such as strengths assessments, team agreements, and rubrics to support these essential aspects of collaboration.
Participants will discover how assessments like the StrengthsFinder2.0TM can provide a framework for communication and trust building. Participants will leave with templates of tools discussed to use in their SOTL collaborations. 
Debrief and Wrap-up

Speaker: Jacqueline El-Sayed, Chief Academic Officer, ASEE

N/A This session offers a wrap-up of Session III and the full NIC.
Action Items: 

  1. Identify writing team members. You can identify potential teammates in the following locations: (1) APA-ENG NIC Ideation Whiteboard and (2) NIC Ideation Tracking and Team Formation Google Sheet. You may also identify teammates at your institution or within your professional network. Each writing team should be comprised of 2 – 5 individuals.
  2. Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to attend the Archival Publication Authors Workshop (APA) by Friday, July 1, 2022.